Other Ways to Say “Thank You For Responding Quickly”

When someone writes back or responds to your email, it’s always good to be polite and positive. And the appreciative phrase like “thank you for responding quickly”  is one of the suitable ways to respond.

However, if you find yourself using this phrase over and over again, it could only be reasonable to look out  for other ways to express gratitude.

This article will explore some alternatives showing you how to say “thank you for responding quickly” in a business email.

Other Ways to Say “Thank You For Responding Quickly

  • Thank you for the quick response
  • Thanks for the prompt reply
  • Thank you for getting back to me.
  • Appreciate the quick reply
  • Appreciate the quick reply
  • Appreciate the reply/response!
  • Appreciate the timely response!
  • Appreciate the quick reply
  • ‘Many thanks for getting back to me’


  • “Thank you for responding quickly” is grammatically correct and you can use it to say thanks in formal circumstances.
  • An equally professional alternative is “Thank you for the quick response.”
  • You can use “Thanks for the prompt reply” as an informal alternative.

Don’t go anywhere just yet! Keep reading to see how we use our choice of formal and informal synonyms for “thank you for responding quickly” in a few example sentences

Thereafter, we’ve also written a section about whether “thank you for responding quickly” is correct.

Thank you for the quick response

“Thank you for the quick response” is a great alternative to  “thank you for responding quickly and can be used at formal work functions and events.

You may use this phrase in business emails or when you are conversing with  colleagues or clients and they reply to your email without delay. This makes it a great professional synonym for “thank you all.”

Although “Thank you for the quick response” is an equally effective phrase for showing appreciation for getting a quick reply,  this does not make “thank you for responding quickly ” inappropriate 

Let’s see this phrase in a few example sentences:

Dear Kelly,

Thank you for the quick response to my request. Your prompt attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.

Best regards,


Thanks for the prompt reply

If you’re considering how to say “thank you for responding quickly ” more informally, we suggest the simple “thanks for the prompt reply”

You may use this phrase as an expression of gratitude when you’re speaking to a group of friends, family, or even colleagues in an informal setting.

“Thank you for responding quickly” is an equally effective phrase to express thanks to a group in informal settings. However, you can use “ thanks for the prompt reply” to change up your wording from time to time.

Hey Team,

Just wanted to drop a quick note to say thanks for the prompt reply! Your swift responses make everything smoother, and I truly appreciate the efficiency. 



Is It Correct to Say “Thank You for responding quickly”?

“Thank You for responding quickly” is correct and suitable in most contexts. You can use it professionally and conversationally when someone has replied or responded to you without delay.

  • You can also use these simple variations:
  • I appreciate your prompt response.
  • Thanks for your swift reply.
  • Thank you for your speedy response.
  • I’m grateful for your quick reply.
  • Thanks for getting back to me so promptly.
  • I’m thankful for your fast response.
  • Thank you for your timely reply.
  • I appreciate your quick turnaround.
  • Thanks for your rapid response.
  • I’m grateful for your timely reply.

They work in a similar way and don’t change much about the meaning.

Alternatively, you can be more specific relating to an event or company with these variations:

  • Thank you for responding quickly to my email
  • Thank you for responding quickly to our inquiry
  • Grateful for the quick reply on customer feedback.
  • Thanks for the prompt info on team-building activities.
  • Appreciate the fast response on workshop registration.
  • Thanks for the timely sponsorship opportunities reply.
  • Grateful for the quick project status update.

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