Other Ways to Say “Thank You for Letting Me Know”

When someone gives you information, warning  or notice about something it’s good to be polite and express  gratitude. An appreciative phrase like “thank you for letting me know”  goes a long way.

However, it may not be the most suitable phrase to use in every situation.

So, what are the other  polite ways to express your gratitude? Is “thank you for letting me” sufficient? Or is it overused?

In this guide, we’ll provide a list of possible alternatives you can use at work or outside of the office.

Other Ways to Say “Thank You for Letting Me Know”

  • Thank you for informing me.
  • Thanks for filling me in.
  • I appreciate your letting me know.
  • I am grateful for the information.
  • It was very kind of you to convey this information.
  • Thank you  for the information.
  • Thanks for bringing this to my notice.
  • I’m thankful for your update.
  • I appreciate your letting me in on the details.
  • Thanks for cluing me in.
  • I’m grateful for your timely update.
  • Thank you for keeping me updated.


  • “Thank you for letting me know” is a grammatically correct phrase that you can use in formal and informal circumstances, depending on the overall context.
  • In formal and professional settings, you can say “thank you for informing me.”
  • In informal settings, you can say “thanks for filling me in.”

We’re not done just yet! We’ll provide a few examples of how to use our handpicked  synonyms for “thank you for letting me know” in the next section.

Thereafter, we’ll discuss the correctness of this phrase.

 Finally, we’ll answer the question: would one of the alternatives be a better option for the workplace?

Thank you for informing me

If you’re not sure how to thank someone for informing  you about something or giving you notice, for instance, a good way to come across professionally is to say “thank you for informing me.”

Firstly, this phrase is formal and respectful, so you can use it at your workplace or when conversing with your colleagues. You can also use it when you are responding to you  clients

However note that, “Thank you for letting me” is perfectly appropriate to use in business correspondence or any of the situations mentioned above. 

However, you can use “thank you for informing me ” every now and then to mix up your language.

Take a look at a few examples using “thank you for informing me” below:

Hi Jonathan,

Thank you for informing me  about the schedule change. I appreciate your prompt communication and keeping me informed.

Best regards,


Thanks for filling me in

“Thanks for filling me in” is a great example of how to say “thank you for letting me know” informally.

In addition, this phrase is a polite response to express gratitude to anyone giving you an update or notice about something and you can use it in your exchanges with team members at work or outside of the office as well.

However we wouldn’t recommend using this phrase when speaking to someone with whom you have had no prior engagement. 

In fact, “thank you for letting me know” would be the preferred choice when engaging professionally with someone new.

With that said,  “thanks for filling me in” is suitable for colleagues or other people with whom you have a close relationship.

Take a look at these example sentences to see how it works

After a Team Meeting:

“I couldn’t attend the meeting, so thanks for filling me in on the key points. Your summary was really helpful.”

Acknowledging Information:

“I wasn’t aware of the recent changes, so thanks for filling me in. Your update clarified things for me.”

Appreciation for Communication:

“Thanks for filling me in on the project details. Your clear communication makes it easier for me to stay on top of things.”

Is It Correct to Say “Thank You for Letting me know”?

Although we have provided several synonyms that might help you change up your language now and then, “thank you for letting me know” is still the most effective phrase to use.

In other words, “thank you for letting me know” is grammatically correct and you can make use of it whether you are at work or out in the world.

Below are a few alternative ways to use this phrase in practice:

Thank you for letting me know. I appreciated it

Appreciate your letting me me know,

In summary, ‘thank you for letting me know’ is grammatically correct and highly effective for use in both formal and informal settings. Feel free to choose from any of our synonyms as you see fit, but you can’t go wrong with the original phrase either.

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